miércoles, 31 de octubre de 2012
Signals IMF leads global push for euro zone to boost firewall
Signals IMF leads global push for euro zone to boost firewall The head of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Christine Lagarde attends a session at the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, January 28, 2012. REUTERS/Christian Hartmann The head of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Christine Lagarde attends a session at the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, January 28, 2012. REUTERS/Christian Hartmann By Paul Carrel and Emma Thomasson DAVOS, Switzerland (Reuters) - International Monetary Fund chief Christine Lagarde led a global push on Saturday for the euro zone to boost its financial firewall, saying 'if it is big enough it will not get used.' Lagarde, supported by the British finance minister, George Osborne, said the IMF could boost its support for the euro zone but pressed its leaders to act first. Some attendees at the Davos Forum still doubted the viability of the currency union. Countries beyond the 17-country bloc want to see its members stump up more money before they commit additional resources to the IMF, which this month requested an additional 500 billion euros ($650 billion) in funding. 'Now is the time - there has been a lot of pressure building in order to see a solution come about,' Lagarde told a Forum panel discussion on the economic outlook from which euro zone leaders - most notably Germany - were conspicuously absent. 'It is critical that the euro zone members develop a clear, simple firewall that can operate both to limit the contagion and to provide this sort of act of trust in the euro zone, so that the financing needs of that zone can actually be met,' she said. Lagarde's comments rounded out a crescendo of calls at the Davos Forum for the euro zone to boost its financial defenses. The annual five-day conference began with German Chancellor Angela Merkel deflecting pressure to do so. In a carefully worded keynote address, Merkel suggested doubling or even tripling the size of the fund may convince markets for a time, but warned that if Germany made a promise that could not be kept, 'then Europe is really vulnerable.' On Friday, U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner pressed Europe to make a 'bigger commitment' to boosting its firewall. Two bankers who attended meetings with Geithner at the Forum said on Friday the United States was looking for the euro zone to roughly double the size of its firewall to 1.5 trillion euros. There was no immediate comment from the U.S. Treasury. Osborne said the currency bloc must beef up its firewall before other countries increase their funding to the IMF. 'I think the euro zone leaders understand that,' said Osborne, the only European minister on Saturday's panel discussion on the global economic outlook in 2012. 'There are not going to be further contributions from G20 countries, Britain included, unless we see the color of their money,' he added, calling for the euro zone 'to provide a significant increase in available resources.' MORE OPTIMISM...FOR SOME Japanese Economics Minister Motohisa Furukawa echoed Osborne's comments, saying: 'Without the firm action of Europe, I don't think the developing countries like China or others are willing to pay more money for the IMF.' On condition that the euro zone boosts its own defenses, he said Japan and other countries were willing to additional support via the IMF. Lagarde said, however, that if the international lender's resources were boosted sufficiently, this would raise confidence to such a degree that they would not be needed. 'If it is big enough, it will not get used. And the same applies to the euro firewall for that matter,' she added. Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda, speaking to the Forum by video link from Tokyo, said Japan was working with South Korea and India to reduce the risk of the euro zone crisis spreading to Asia. 'Japan stands ready to support the euro zone as much as possible,' he added. Mexico's central bank chief, Agustin Carstens, said on Friday he believed a consensus was building on boosting the IMF's resources to help European countries and others that might need aid from the global lender. There has been a palpable sense of hope at the Davos Forum that the euro zone is pulling back from the brink of catastrophe, though business leaders are equally worried that Europe's woes will hold back a global recovery. Osborne saw some signs of optimism. 'People have commented on the mood of this conference being quite somber but having been here for a couple of days people have also pointed out that actually people are slightly more optimistic at the end of the week than the beginning,' he said. However, Davos 2011 also ended on upbeat note about the euro zone and a feeling that worst of the crisis was over - only for the situation to deteriorate and financial markets to turn their fire on Italy, the bloc's third biggest economy. 'The euro zone is a slow-motion train wreck,' said economist Nouriel Roubini, made famous by predictions of the 2008-09 global banking crisis. He expected Greece, and possibly Portugal, to exit the bloc within the next 12 months and believed there is a 50 percent chance of the bloc breaking up completely in the next 3-5 years. Hong Kong's Chief Executive, Donald Tsang, said no matter how strong the euro zone's firewall is, the market will look at the nature of the economies it is protecting. 'If it is protecting insolvent economies...no matter how strong the firewall is, it won't survive,' he said. (Additional reporting by Ben Hirschler; Editing by Jon Boyle)
Forex Comments from G20 finance chiefs meeting in Mexico
Forex Comments from G20 finance chiefs meeting in Mexico MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Following are comments from policymakers attending the meeting of Group of 20 finance ministers and central bankers in Mexico City on Saturday. U.S. TREASURY SECRETARY TIMOTHY GEITHNER 'I think it's important to give Europe's leaders credit for what they have accomplished ... and put in place in terms of the architecture of a credible response in the last four months.' 'They have had a big impact in reducing the downside risks to growth ... though it's important not to rest on that progress.' 'I hope that we're going to see, and I expect we will see, continued efforts by the Europeans ... to put in place a stronger, more credible firewall.' CANADIAN FINANCE MINISTER JIM FLAHERTY 'I do want to encourage Germany to take that leadership role very seriously and come up with an overall euro zone plan.' 'I think that what I'd like to see in the communique is language that indicates that the real question is, when will we see the euro zone plan. And that discussions about other countries through the IMF supporting the euro zone plan should await the answer to the first question.' 'I don't think we're ever going to be able from the outside to impose a deadline on the euro zone. That's up to them.' GERMAN FINANCE MINISTER WOLFGANG SCHAEUBLE 'It does not make any economic sense to follow the calls for proposals which would be mutualizing the interest risk in the euro zone, nor in pumping money into rescue funds, nor in starting up the ECB printing press.' 'I am worried the overriding problems ... have not been tackled sufficiently. We have to be more daring when it comes to these large and fundamental challenges.' 'You know that Greece is a special and unique case...The main difficulty is a serious lack of competitiveness.' JAPANESE FINANCE MINISTER JUN AZUMI 'I'd like to see how Europe will make concrete efforts and then discuss how we can contribute.' 'I said that I expect debate on strengthening of the IMF lending capacity will progress on condition that the problem of Europe's debt crisis is put to an end by the G20 meeting in Washington in April.' 'The present firewall involves strengthening of EFSF and increase of upper cap on ESM. But I said (at G20) that they should be further strengthened.' 'The economy is somewhat picking up in the world as a whole, including Japan, and (we) want to put an end to the Europe crisis in the early spring and to accelerate the global economic growth.' BRAZILIAN FINANCE MINISTER GUIDO MANTEGA 'Emerging countries will only help under two conditions; first that they strengthen their firewall and second for the IMF (quota) reform be implemented.' 'I see most countries sharing a similar opinion that the Europeans have to strengthen their firewall.' JAY COLLINS, SENIOR CITIGROUP EXECUTIVE 'The lack of a firewall decision coming out of Europe takes a toll, speed matters.' 'Speed and urgency is critical.' BANK OF JAPAN GOVERNOR MASAAKI SHIRAKAWA 'Heightening geographical risks and some bright movements in advanced economies after the New Year are factors behind the underlying crude oil price hikes. Of course, monetary easing has been continuing but I don't see it as a major factor for driving up crude oil prices. Generally speaking, we'll closely watch effects and side-effects of monetary easing.' MARK CARNEY, BANK OF CANADA GOVERNOR AND CHAIRMAN OF THE FINANCIAL STABILITY BOARD 'We are cursed with living in extraordinary times. There are two critical challenges that are really facing policymakers at the moment. Restoring growth and stability in Europe. There's been quite appropriately tremendous attention paid to that. But at the same time, just doing that will not be enough.' 'We need to rebuild strong, sustainable, balanced growth in the global economy.' 'One of the issues in these G20 meetings has been that the issue of the moment has often, not surprisingly, crowded out this fundamental medium-term issue.' 'For emerging markets, the weak growth prospects and large accommodative monetary policies in the G3 (major advanced economies) tends to push capital flow towards them, exacerbating concerns about sudden stops and potentially causing a reaction in terms of capital controls.' 'Some emerging markets are reluctant to abandon exchange rate strategies which have served them so well in the past, and so there's a vicious circle here.' BANK OF ITALY GOVERNOR IGNAZIO VISCO 'During the G20 meeting we will discuss the outlook for the global economy and we will probably talk about the developments on the oil markets. Tensions are growing.' 'We have to be vigilant regarding oil.' 'At the moment we don't see the need for a new LTRO by the ECB, but we will have to see the whole effects of the second one (on February 29) before taking a decision.' 'Italy has made remarkable progress on the budget side, now it has to work on growth, even Europe should insist on growth.' OECD SECRETARY-GENERAL ANGEL GURRIA 'The Greek bailout was not a deal, it was an ordeal ... the problem was it came too late.' 'I don't know if Greece's debt target of 120 percent of GDP will be enough -- that will depend on whether Greece delivers on its policies.' 'We have run out of monetary policy room ... we have run out of fiscal room in most countries, some have a little fiscal room now.' 'The ECB's LTRO (long term refinancing operation) is no substitute for a European firewall.' 'It's already six months to a year late... We need a massive European firewall now.' (Compiled by Kieran Murray)
lunes, 29 de octubre de 2012
Earn Comments from G20 finance chiefs meeting in Mexico
Earn Comments from G20 finance chiefs meeting in Mexico MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Following are comments from policymakers attending the meeting of Group of 20 finance ministers and central bankers in Mexico City on Saturday. U.S. TREASURY SECRETARY TIMOTHY GEITHNER 'I think it's important to give Europe's leaders credit for what they have accomplished ... and put in place in terms of the architecture of a credible response in the last four months.' 'They have had a big impact in reducing the downside risks to growth ... though it's important not to rest on that progress.' 'I hope that we're going to see, and I expect we will see, continued efforts by the Europeans ... to put in place a stronger, more credible firewall.' CANADIAN FINANCE MINISTER JIM FLAHERTY 'I do want to encourage Germany to take that leadership role very seriously and come up with an overall euro zone plan.' 'I think that what I'd like to see in the communique is language that indicates that the real question is, when will we see the euro zone plan. And that discussions about other countries through the IMF supporting the euro zone plan should await the answer to the first question.' 'I don't think we're ever going to be able from the outside to impose a deadline on the euro zone. That's up to them.' GERMAN FINANCE MINISTER WOLFGANG SCHAEUBLE 'It does not make any economic sense to follow the calls for proposals which would be mutualizing the interest risk in the euro zone, nor in pumping money into rescue funds, nor in starting up the ECB printing press.' 'I am worried the overriding problems ... have not been tackled sufficiently. We have to be more daring when it comes to these large and fundamental challenges.' 'You know that Greece is a special and unique case...The main difficulty is a serious lack of competitiveness.' JAPANESE FINANCE MINISTER JUN AZUMI 'I'd like to see how Europe will make concrete efforts and then discuss how we can contribute.' 'I said that I expect debate on strengthening of the IMF lending capacity will progress on condition that the problem of Europe's debt crisis is put to an end by the G20 meeting in Washington in April.' 'The present firewall involves strengthening of EFSF and increase of upper cap on ESM. But I said (at G20) that they should be further strengthened.' 'The economy is somewhat picking up in the world as a whole, including Japan, and (we) want to put an end to the Europe crisis in the early spring and to accelerate the global economic growth.' BRAZILIAN FINANCE MINISTER GUIDO MANTEGA 'Emerging countries will only help under two conditions; first that they strengthen their firewall and second for the IMF (quota) reform be implemented.' 'I see most countries sharing a similar opinion that the Europeans have to strengthen their firewall.' JAY COLLINS, SENIOR CITIGROUP EXECUTIVE 'The lack of a firewall decision coming out of Europe takes a toll, speed matters.' 'Speed and urgency is critical.' BANK OF JAPAN GOVERNOR MASAAKI SHIRAKAWA 'Heightening geographical risks and some bright movements in advanced economies after the New Year are factors behind the underlying crude oil price hikes. Of course, monetary easing has been continuing but I don't see it as a major factor for driving up crude oil prices. Generally speaking, we'll closely watch effects and side-effects of monetary easing.' MARK CARNEY, BANK OF CANADA GOVERNOR AND CHAIRMAN OF THE FINANCIAL STABILITY BOARD 'We are cursed with living in extraordinary times. There are two critical challenges that are really facing policymakers at the moment. Restoring growth and stability in Europe. There's been quite appropriately tremendous attention paid to that. But at the same time, just doing that will not be enough.' 'We need to rebuild strong, sustainable, balanced growth in the global economy.' 'One of the issues in these G20 meetings has been that the issue of the moment has often, not surprisingly, crowded out this fundamental medium-term issue.' 'For emerging markets, the weak growth prospects and large accommodative monetary policies in the G3 (major advanced economies) tends to push capital flow towards them, exacerbating concerns about sudden stops and potentially causing a reaction in terms of capital controls.' 'Some emerging markets are reluctant to abandon exchange rate strategies which have served them so well in the past, and so there's a vicious circle here.' BANK OF ITALY GOVERNOR IGNAZIO VISCO 'During the G20 meeting we will discuss the outlook for the global economy and we will probably talk about the developments on the oil markets. Tensions are growing.' 'We have to be vigilant regarding oil.' 'At the moment we don't see the need for a new LTRO by the ECB, but we will have to see the whole effects of the second one (on February 29) before taking a decision.' 'Italy has made remarkable progress on the budget side, now it has to work on growth, even Europe should insist on growth.' OECD SECRETARY-GENERAL ANGEL GURRIA 'The Greek bailout was not a deal, it was an ordeal ... the problem was it came too late.' 'I don't know if Greece's debt target of 120 percent of GDP will be enough -- that will depend on whether Greece delivers on its policies.' 'We have run out of monetary policy room ... we have run out of fiscal room in most countries, some have a little fiscal room now.' 'The ECB's LTRO (long term refinancing operation) is no substitute for a European firewall.' 'It's already six months to a year late... We need a massive European firewall now.' (Compiled by Kieran Murray)
sábado, 27 de octubre de 2012
miércoles, 24 de octubre de 2012
Signals How the Election and Economy Will Impact Your Portfolio
Signals There's plenty of data to help handicap the market during Presidential election years and it happens to be siding on the investor's team when it comes to an incumbent up for re-election. Jeffrey Hirsch, the editor-in-chief of the Stock Trader's Almanac crunched those numbers and says since the beginning of the Dow in 1896, an incumbent president has run for re-election 19 times; 14 of those were up years for the DJIA. 'Just the fact that there's somebody in office running again is a good sign for the year — 9% on average — what happens is early on if it's a real popular president doing well the market stays up,' Hirsch says. 'If you've got someone really unpopular come election time and they get ousted, there's a rally in November/December, sort of a 'ding dong the witch is dead' type of rally.' As for those five times when the trend didn't hold, only two were particularly bad years: 1932 which saw the removal of Herbert Hoover and 1940 when World War II was already raging in Europe. It's not just the election that offers insight into the next eleven and a half months. Hirsch notes that the end of the 'deflation fear period' should be a good sign in the short-term, but further down the road it 'puts a cap on things.' He cites a housing market that picked up and then flat-lined, consumer confidence that has come up (but not enough), and improving unemployment numbers as a sign that the economy is on the mend. He says it is 'good enough to keep us from having a really bad year' but not good enough to see a breakout to new highs. Specifically Hirsch is looking at 5-10% growth year-over-year, with a Dow target somewhere between 13,000 and 13,500. Still, he cautions the economy, the election, Europe and any number of other international factors could lead to amended forecasts in either direction. Then there's the market volatility — the same that plagued investors throughout 2011. Hirsch says it's here to stay again in 2012. 'Come spring you start looking for a technical trigger,' says Hirsch. 'Get a little bit more on the sidelines, take some profits, cover yourself...and then get back in for the year-end rally...Trade the seasons, trade the range and you should do okay.' How are you playing the election year, the economy and the volatility? Tell us on our Facebook page or in the comments below. Related Quotes: ^DJI 12,428.26 -21.19 -0.17% ^IXIC 2,715.99 +5.23 +0.19% ^GSPC 1,291.70 -0.78 -0.06%
martes, 23 de octubre de 2012
Signals Choppy action continues
he market continues to go up in choppy manner. It has so far held its gain. There are very few signs of aggressive buying at this stage.
Market has had tough time sustaining multi week rallies. We will see if this time it is different. This is the kind of environment where you have to focus on small moves while protecting capital.
Market has had tough time sustaining multi week rallies. We will see if this time it is different. This is the kind of environment where you have to focus on small moves while protecting capital.
lunes, 22 de octubre de 2012
Earn Multi year range breakout
The market had a breakout last week. The breakout was preceded by 13 days of base. The breakout also coincides with market taking out multi year high.
Below the surface quality breakouts on momentum stocks are increasing. The breadth trends are positive for last couple of weeks.

The market had a breakout last week. The breakout was preceded by 13 days of base. The breakout also coincides with market taking out multi year high.
Below the surface quality breakouts on momentum stocks are increasing. The breadth trends are positive for last couple of weeks.
domingo, 21 de octubre de 2012
Forex Multi year range breakout
The market had a breakout last week. The breakout was preceded by 13 days of base. The breakout also coincides with market taking out multi year high.
Below the surface quality breakouts on momentum stocks are increasing. The breadth trends are positive for last couple of weeks.

The market had a breakout last week. The breakout was preceded by 13 days of base. The breakout also coincides with market taking out multi year high.
Below the surface quality breakouts on momentum stocks are increasing. The breadth trends are positive for last couple of weeks.
jueves, 18 de octubre de 2012
Earn Why You Shouldn't Manage Your Friends' Money
Earn Why You Shouldn't Manage Your Friends' Money So you put away some nice returns this year - not too shabby. While you can't be blamed for bragging about good performance, it's not uncommon for friends to want a part of the action. What would you do if a friend asked you to make investments on his or her behalf? In this article we'll show you the highs and lows of investing for others. Taking Advantage of Your Financial Knowledge It's no surprise that your pals might want you to manage a couple of bucks for them. If you're pulling down decent returns and talking about your investing strategies, you've now become the go-to guy (or girl). These days, money talks and people who understand the financial world are getting a lot of respect as young people realize there's more to investing than they once thought. If you have financial knowledge, people who know you might view you as a very valuable commodity - a free money manager. All too often, the person asking you to invest his or her money is the person who knows a little something about investing - just enough to get into trouble. If you're nailing double-digit returns this year, why couldn't you repeat the performance year after year, right? The Problems with Investing for Others You may think that investing for someone else is just a way of helping out a friend, but the thing is, when you start investing for other people, particularly your friends, you enter a world of complications that you might not have foreseen when you started out. Unrealistic Expectations That friend of yours, the one who thinks that your 35% returns this year are going to happen next year as well, might be in for a nasty surprise when your picks make next to nothing. When you invest for friends, you have to deal with unrealistic expectations that can really put a damper on a relationship. If your friends wants you to invest for them, they likely don't understand all of the risks involved with investing, including not quite meeting the investment goals that they may have been projecting. Losing a Friend's Money Not meeting a friend's investing expectations could jeopardize your friendship, but falling short of your friend's projected returns could be a best-case scenario. When things go wrong, making some money is a lot better than losing money, which isn't an abstract concept for anyone who invests actively. When you bring money into a relationship, things can get uncomfortable pretty fast, especially when that money is hemorrhaging out of an investment account. Do you tell the friend to suck it up? Do you repay the person out of your pocket? Do you try to make up the difference with new picks? Really, there probably isn't a good way to deal with losing a friend's money and you should consider this risk before you agree to invest for anyone. Legal Matters Managing a friend's money is a sticky business and if you go through with it you may be breaking the law. Investment professionals must be registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission or have a federal license. They are heavily regulated by the government and by trade organizations like the National Association of Securities Dealers, for the protection of consumers. If you invest for a friend for compensation, you could be breaking laws that are in place to protect investors from people who aren't qualified to have discretionary control over others' accounts. Short End of the Stick Despite the drawbacks, investing for friends isn't always doomed to failure. With skill, smarts and a whole lot of luck, you might rake in the cash. If that's the case, you still have to consider whether or not your friend is taking advantage of you. Helping out a friend is nice, but when that help consists of making significant amounts of money for that person and getting little or nothing in return, you might be suffering from an off-balance relationship. What You Can Do for Friends Now that I've taken the wind out of your sails, and your friend's as well, there are things that you can do to help your friends' investments without burdening yourself with the substantial responsibility of investing someone else's money. One of the best ways to lend a hand is to help teach your friend about investing. Help Them Learn There are a lot of pitfalls out there for new investors. If you're lucky, you've been able to avoid quite a few of them or you learned how you should have gone about avoiding them. The benefit of your experience can be one heck of an asset to pass on to a friend and it won't cost either one of you personally or financially. Therefore, if you want to help your friends, work with them; show them how to analyze a financial statement, how to execute a trade online, how to look up business news, or how to find online resources. Investment Clubs Going farther still, there is a popular way to invest hands-on with friends without taking on the responsibility that an investment advisor would feel for a client - the investment club. The investment club consists of a group of people who vote to decide whether or not to buy or sell their group-owned investments. Investment clubs are great, because they allow a more personal approach with actual investments than just helping someone with investing concepts. These clubs will also give you a vested interest in performance of your friend's portfolio. If you're interested in starting an investment club, there are plenty of resources available, ranging from your broker to the internet. It's important to recognize that an investment club isn't just a couple of people who want to invest together - it's a formal (and legally defined) organization with members who have an equitable claim to their assets. This means you should look into the rules and laws that govern investment clubs where you live before joining or starting one yourself. The Bottom Line Investing for a friend usually isn't worth the amount of trouble it can cause. Money just isn't something you want to bring into a good friendship. In the end, by helping your friends invest on their own, you'll be doing them, and yourself, a much bigger favor.
martes, 16 de octubre de 2012
Signals GRU worth a bet

GRU: ELEMENTS MLCX Grains Index TR ETN had a high volume yesterday. Between mid June and to mid July it made 40% move in one month. So if the breakout works it has potential for big move.
lunes, 15 de octubre de 2012
Earn Citigroup cut investment bank bonuses by 30 percent: report
Earn Citigroup cut investment bank bonuses by 30 percent: report (Reuters) - Citigroup (NYSE:C - News) has cut bonuses for its investment banking division by about 30 percent on average, Bloomberg said, citing a person briefed on the matter. Some businesses within the securities and banking unit had bonuses reduced by as much as 70 percent, Bloomberg reported. Citigroup was not immediately available for comment. (Reporting by Abhiram Nandakumar in Bangalore; Editing by Steve Orlofsky)
Earn Retail sales: Shoppers pulled back at the holidays
Earn Retail sales: Shoppers pulled back at the holidays CNNMoney.comBy Chris Isidore | CNNMoney.com Consumers pulled back on their spending in December despite the holiday shopping season, according to a government report released Thursday. The Commerce Department report showed that overall retail sales rose only 0.1% compared to November -- falling short of forecasts of economists surveyed by Briefing.com, who were expecting a 0.4% rise. Excluding auto sales, which were relatively strong in the month, sales fell 0.2%; compared to forecasts of a 0.3% rise. Part of the reduced spending came from lower prices. Lower gasoline prices trimmed spending at gas stations by 1.6% compared to November. And spending at grocery stores also declined 0.2% in the same period amid reports of some lower food prices. Paul Dales, senior U.S. economist for Capital Economics, said it was somewhat positive that lower prices allowed non-discretionary spending to decline 0.6%, at the same time that discretionary spending rose 0.4%. 'It appears they're saving money when they go to fill up their cars, and spending it on something more enjoyable,' he said. But there were also declines in some retail categories that typically get a lift from holiday shoppers. The biggest was a 3.9% drop at electronic and appliance stores. Department store sales also fell 0.2%, leading to a 0.8% drop in general merchandise stores. Non-store retailers, typically online retailers, suffered a 0.4% drop. Mark Vitner, senior economist with Wells Fargo Securities, said his firm's measure of 'core' sales -- which excludes autos, gas stations and building materials -- posted the first monthly decline in a year. These excluded sectors are heavily influenced by volatile prices or by the business cycle. 'The decline here gets our attention,' he said. 'We do not think the consumer is completely going into hiding, but we do think that the pace of consumer spending growth is poised to slow.' Economists said that with other economic readings showing that stagnant wages were not keeping up with prices overall, and rising credit card balances, there's a limit in how much consumers will be able to spend -- even as a declining savings rate suggested that consumers were more willing to dip into savings. 'Households have realized that the savings only go so far,' said Dales. Disappointing December spending left overall sales up 6.5%, compared to 6% a year earlier which excludes auto sales. Bucking the trend were clothing retailers, which enjoyed a 0.7% rise in spending; and a 1.6% rise at building material and garden equipment retailers, which Dales said may have been helped by unusually mild weather. View this article on CNNMoney
domingo, 14 de octubre de 2012
Oil Stock likely to breakout

HSY, EW, DVA, TVL, AOL, and IPGP are currently setting up for a possible breakout. All these stocks have excellent momentum currently and are going sideways or pulling back and offer buy opportunity on high volume breakouts.
sábado, 13 de octubre de 2012
Signals Glass is still half full for flush American farmers
Signals Glass is still half full for flush American farmers WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Brian Roach scrawled a simple outlook for corn prices in a spiral notebook, with a line diving from the upper left hand corner to the lower right. Sitting in a hotel ballroom at the U.S. Department of Agriculture's annual Agricultural Outlook Forum last week, the commodity broker predicted increasing supplies and weakening demand would slow a boom in the farm economy that has fattened growers' wallets and pushed up food prices. 'Nothing is telling me to think any different right now,' said Roach, president of the Florida-based commodity business Roach Ag Marketing. For the first time in years at the conference that traditionally kicks off the year for America's agri-business sector, forecasters said the seemingly endless upward trajectory on everything from crop prices to farmer income was coming to an end. The price of corn, the big daddy of the major U.S. crops, could fall 20 percent this year and because of expanding production globally, the corn stockpile would double. It is a significant shift after corn prices reached a record high near $8 a bushel last summer on concerns about strong demand draining inventories. The surge in prices is expected to encourage an expansion in planting of crops this year. Farmers are becoming 'very pragmatic about the investments they're making in machinery, equipment and input costs' after spending freely following last autumn's profitable harvest, said Thomas Dorr, president of the U.S. Grains Council. Many built new storage bins and upgraded their tractors and combines. Moving forward, 'the mood is one of caution,' Dorr said. To be sure, farmers are flush with cash after farm income topped $100 billion for the first time in 2011 as the rural economy rebounded from the pothole of the global recession. Even if income slumps to $96.3 billion this year due to larger world and domestic supplies as predicted by the government, farmers and ranchers would be looking at their second-best year ever. Income would remain well above the 10-year average. 'Prospects for U.S. agriculture continue to be strong with record income in 2011 and a strong balance sheet,' said Joe Glauber, the USDA chief economist. Still, there was a sense of deja vu of 2008 at the conference that attracts some 2,000 attendees. That year, farmers enjoyed sky high prices for their crops but marching in lockstep, was the price of crude oil. The recent spike in fuel prices could again add pressure to the farm economy. Energy costs squeeze farmer margins because they depend heavily on tractors, combines, pesticides and fertilizers -- which track the price of fuel -- to get most out of their land. 'Energy costs to a farmer are obviously a serious concern,' said David Berg, president of the American Crystal Sugar Company, based in Moorhead, Minn. 'It's almost like a few years ago where everyone was in a state of panic.' He said sugar beet farmers in Minnesota and North Dakota are doing well but a double whammy of lower prices on the market for the commodity and higher energy prices would be hard to swallow for a number of growers. 'The price of sugar is high enough so that an increase in energy costs is a negative for them, but it's not going to put them under water,' Berg said. 'If the price of sugar goes down from where it is today, it will very likely put some of them under water.' Tyson Foods also is worried about rising fuel costs, with Chief Executive Donnie Smith warning the recent jump in gas prices could dent demand for beef by reducing disposable income of consumers. Beef prices have reached record levels due to a historic drought that reduced cattle herds in the southern Plains and high prices for corn that is fed to livestock. 'You're not moving as much volume of meat but you're paying more for it,' Smith told reporters at the conference. A drop in demand for meat could hurt livestock producers even as increased grain production would cut their feed costs. Farmers are expected to go all out to get their seeds in the ground this spring, especially with the mild winter that is now coming to a close. The USDA estimates they will plant 94 million acres (38 million hectares) of corn, about 2 million acres more than last year and the largest area since 1944. Still, Jon Caspers, a producer of about 8,000 hogs a year in Iowa, is not breathing a sigh of relief due to high gasoline prices and lingering uncertainty about demand. He's also unsure farmers will plant as much corn as expected. Last year, heavy spring rains dashed their plans to plant from fence post to fence post. 'A lot of producers are waiting to see if it really happens,' he said. (Additional reporting by Charles Abbott; Writing by Russ Blinch; Editing by Marguerita Choy)
sábado, 22 de septiembre de 2012
Forex Germany wants Greece to give up budget control
Forex Germany wants Greece to give up budget control RELATED QUOTES Symbol Price Change TRI 27.82 -0.10 Related Content A Greek national flag flies at the archaeological site of the Acropolis Hill in Athens November 3, 2011. REUTERS/John Kolesidis A Greek national flag flies at the archaeological site of the Acropolis Hill in Athens November 3, 2011. REUTERS/John Kolesidis By Noah Barkin BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany is pushing for Greece to relinquish control over its budget policy to European institutions as part of discussions over a second rescue package, a European source told Reuters on Friday. 'There are internal discussions within the Euro group and proposals, one of which comes from Germany, on how to constructively treat country aid programs that are continuously off track, whether this can simply be ignored or whether we say that's enough,' the source said. The source added that under the proposals European institutions already operating in Greece should be given 'certain decision-making powers' over fiscal policy. 'This could be carried out even more stringently through external expertise,' the source said. The Financial Times said it had obtained a copy of the proposal showing Germany wants a new euro zone 'budget commissioner' to have the power to veto budget decisions taken by the Greek government if they are not in line with targets set by international lenders. 'Given the disappointing compliance so far, Greece has to accept shifting budgetary sovereignty to the European level for a certain period of time,' the document said. Under the German plan, Athens would only be allowed to carry out normal state spending after servicing its debt, the FT said. 'If a future (bail-out) tranche is not disbursed, Greece cannot threaten its lenders with a default, but will instead have to accept further cuts in primary expenditures as the only possible consequence of any non-disbursement,' the FT quoted the document as saying. The German demands for greater control over Greek budget policy come amid intense talks to finalize a second 130 billion-euro rescue package for Greece, which has repeatedly failed to meet the fiscal targets set out for it by its international lenders. CHAOTIC DEFAULT THREAT Greece needs to strike a deal with creditors in the next couple of days to unlock its next aid package in order to avoid a chaotic default. 'No country has put forward such a proposal at the Eurogroup,' a Greek finance ministry official said on condition of anonymity, adding that the government would not formally comment on reports based on unnamed sources. The German demands are likely to prompt a strong reaction in Athens ahead of elections expected to take place in April. 'One of the ideas being discussed is to set up a clearly defined priorities on reducing deficits through legally binding guidelines,' the European source said. He added that in Greece the problem is that a lot of the budget-making process is done in a decentralized manner. 'Clearly defined, legally binding guidelines on that could lead to more coherence and make it easier to take decisions - and that would contribute to give a whole new dynamic to efforts to implement the program,' the source said. 'It is clear that talks on how to help Greece get back on the right track are continuing,' the source said. 'We're all striving to achieve a lasting stabilization of Greece,' he said. 'That's the focus of what all of us in Europe are working on right now.' (Reporting By Noah Barking; Additional reporting by George Georgiopoulos in Athens and; Adrian Croft in London; writing by Erik Kirschbaum; editing by Andrew Roche)
miércoles, 19 de septiembre de 2012
Earn BBDA - One of My Best Alerts Ever Forming Cup and Handle?
BBDA was an alert to my subscribers at $.0003/.0004 a share. The stock recently hit almost $.02 a share. Today the stock is still holding to gains and is looking very strong.
BBDA continues to maintain strong bid support, and could have formed a cup and handle. This means this stock is poised to break to new highs? We will soon find out.
BBDA was an alert to my subscribers at $.0003/.0004 a share. The stock recently hit almost $.02 a share. Today the stock is still holding to gains and is looking very strong.
BBDA continues to maintain strong bid support, and could have formed a cup and handle. This means this stock is poised to break to new highs? We will soon find out.
martes, 18 de septiembre de 2012
Forex Stocks open mixed; jobs report comes in weak
Forex Stocks open mixed; jobs report comes in weak FILE - In this Jan. 10, 2012 photo, a pair of specialists study a screen as they work on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange. Strong bond auctions in Italy and Spain dramatically drove down their borrowing costs and lifted stocks Thursday, Jan. 12, 2012, providing a reprieve from Europe's relentless debt crisis. (AP Photo/Richard Drew, File) FILE - In this Jan. 10, 2012 photo, a pair of specialists study a screen as they work on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange. Strong bond auctions in Italy and Spain dramatically drove down their borrowing costs and lifted stocks Thursday, Jan. 12, 2012, providing a reprieve from Europe's relentless debt crisis. (AP Photo/Richard Drew, File) NEW YORK (AP) -- Stocks are opening mixed after an increase in unemployment claims dampened optimism about strong bond auctions in Italy and Spain. The Dow Jones industrial average is off 13 points at 12,436 in the opening minutes of trading Thursday. The S&P 500 index is down less than a point at 1,292. Nasdaq composite fell a point to 2,709. The Labor Department said applications for weekly unemployment benefits spiked last week, mostly because companies let go of thousands of holiday hires. Retail sales barely rose in December, but the 8 percent gain in 2011 is the largest percentage increase since 1999. Most markets in Europe are higher after strong bond auctions in Italy and Spain.
martes, 11 de septiembre de 2012
Signals Quest for the golden cross
Signals Quest for the golden cross RELATED QUOTES Symbol Price Change MA 348.79 +0.96 XOM 85.83 -0.94 PFE 21.48 -0.15 K 49.73 -0.26 TRI 27.82 -0.10 By Rodrigo Campos NEW YORK (Reuters) - January has turned out strong for equities with just two trading days to go. If you're afraid to miss the ride, there's still time to jump in. You just might want to wear a neck brace. The new year lured buyers into growth-related sectors, the ones that were more beaten down last year. The economy is getting better, but not dramatically. Earnings are beating expectations, but at a lower rate than in recent quarters. Nothing too bad is coming out of Europe's debt crisis - and nothing good, either - at least not yet. 'No one item is a major positive, but collectively, it's been enough to tilt it towards net buying,' said John Schlitz, chief market technician at Instinet in New York. Still, relatively weak volume and a six-month high hit this week make some doubt that the gains are sustainable. But then there's the golden cross. Many market skeptics take notice when this technical indicator, a holy grail of sorts for many technicians, shows up on the horizon. As early as Monday, the rising 50-day moving average of the S&P 500 could tick above its rising 200-day moving average. This occurrence - known as a golden cross - means the medium-term momentum is increasingly bullish. You have a good chance of making money in the next six months if you put it to work in large-cap stocks. In the last 50 years, according to data compiled by Birinyi Associates, a golden cross on the S&P 500 has augured further gains six months ahead in eight out of 10 times. The average gain has been 6.6 percent. That means the benchmark is on solid footing to not only hold onto the 14 percent advance over the last nine weeks, but to flirt with 1,400, a level it hasn't hit since mid-2008. The gains, as expected, would not be in a straight line. But any weakness could be used by long-term investors as buying opportunities. 'The cross is an intermediate bullish event,' Schlitz said. 'You have to interpret it as constructive, but I caution people to take a bullish stance, if they have a short-term horizon .' GREECE, U.S. PAYROLLS AND MOMENTUM Less than halfway into the earnings season and with Greek debt talks over the weekend, payrolls data next week and the S&P 500 near its highest since July, there's plenty of room for something to go wrong. If that happens, the market could easily give back some of its recent advance. But the benchmark's recent rally and momentum shift allow for a pullback before the technical picture deteriorates. 'We bounced off 1,325, which is resistance. We're testing 1,310, which should be support. We are stuck in that range,' said Ken Polcari, managing director at ICAP Equities in New York. 'If over the weekend, Greece comes out with another big nothing, then you will see further weakness next week,' he said. 'A 1 (percent) or 2 percent pullback isn't out of the question or out of line.' On Friday, the S&P 500 (Chicago Options:^INX - News) and the Nasdaq Composite (Nasdaq:^IXIC - News) closed their fourth consecutive week of gains, while the Dow Jones industrial average (DJI:^DJI - News) dipped and capped three weeks of gains. For the day, the Dow dropped 74.17 points, or 0.58 percent, to close at 12,660.46. The S&P 500 fell 2.10 points, or 0.16 percent, to 1,316.33. But the Nasdaq gained 11.27 points, or 0.40 percent, to end at 2,816.55. For the week, the Dow slipped 0.47 percent, while the S&P 500 inched up 0.07 percent and the Nasdaq jumped 1.07 percent. A DATA-PACKED EARNINGS WEEK Next week is filled with heavy-hitting data on the housing, manufacturing and employment sectors. Personal income and consumption on Monday will be followed by the S&P/Case-Shiller home prices index, consumer confidence and the Chicago PMI - all on Tuesday. Wednesday will bring the Institute for Supply Management index on U.S. manufacturing and the first of three key readings on the labor market - namely, the ADP private-sector employment report. Jobless claims on Thursday will give way on Friday to the U.S. government's non-farm payrolls report. The forecast calls for a net gain of 150,000 jobs in January, according to economists polled by Reuters. Another hectic earnings week will kick into gear with almost a fifth of the S&P 500 components posting quarterly results. Exxon Mobil (NYSE:XOM - News), Amazon (NasdaqGS:AMZN - News), UPS (NYSE:UPS - News), Pfizer (NYSE:PFE - News), Kellogg (NYSE:K - News) and MasterCard (NYSE:MA - News) are among the names most likely to grab the headlines. With almost 200 companies' reports in so far, about 59 percent have beaten earnings expectations - down from about 70 percent in recent quarters. (Reporting by Rodrigo Campos; Additional reporting by Chuck Mikolajczak and Caroline Valetkevitch; Editing by Jan Paschal)
Oil Glass is still half full for flush American farmers
Oil Glass is still half full for flush American farmers WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Brian Roach scrawled a simple outlook for corn prices in a spiral notebook, with a line diving from the upper left hand corner to the lower right. Sitting in a hotel ballroom at the U.S. Department of Agriculture's annual Agricultural Outlook Forum last week, the commodity broker predicted increasing supplies and weakening demand would slow a boom in the farm economy that has fattened growers' wallets and pushed up food prices. 'Nothing is telling me to think any different right now,' said Roach, president of the Florida-based commodity business Roach Ag Marketing. For the first time in years at the conference that traditionally kicks off the year for America's agri-business sector, forecasters said the seemingly endless upward trajectory on everything from crop prices to farmer income was coming to an end. The price of corn, the big daddy of the major U.S. crops, could fall 20 percent this year and because of expanding production globally, the corn stockpile would double. It is a significant shift after corn prices reached a record high near $8 a bushel last summer on concerns about strong demand draining inventories. The surge in prices is expected to encourage an expansion in planting of crops this year. Farmers are becoming 'very pragmatic about the investments they're making in machinery, equipment and input costs' after spending freely following last autumn's profitable harvest, said Thomas Dorr, president of the U.S. Grains Council. Many built new storage bins and upgraded their tractors and combines. Moving forward, 'the mood is one of caution,' Dorr said. To be sure, farmers are flush with cash after farm income topped $100 billion for the first time in 2011 as the rural economy rebounded from the pothole of the global recession. Even if income slumps to $96.3 billion this year due to larger world and domestic supplies as predicted by the government, farmers and ranchers would be looking at their second-best year ever. Income would remain well above the 10-year average. 'Prospects for U.S. agriculture continue to be strong with record income in 2011 and a strong balance sheet,' said Joe Glauber, the USDA chief economist. Still, there was a sense of deja vu of 2008 at the conference that attracts some 2,000 attendees. That year, farmers enjoyed sky high prices for their crops but marching in lockstep, was the price of crude oil. The recent spike in fuel prices could again add pressure to the farm economy. Energy costs squeeze farmer margins because they depend heavily on tractors, combines, pesticides and fertilizers -- which track the price of fuel -- to get most out of their land. 'Energy costs to a farmer are obviously a serious concern,' said David Berg, president of the American Crystal Sugar Company, based in Moorhead, Minn. 'It's almost like a few years ago where everyone was in a state of panic.' He said sugar beet farmers in Minnesota and North Dakota are doing well but a double whammy of lower prices on the market for the commodity and higher energy prices would be hard to swallow for a number of growers. 'The price of sugar is high enough so that an increase in energy costs is a negative for them, but it's not going to put them under water,' Berg said. 'If the price of sugar goes down from where it is today, it will very likely put some of them under water.' Tyson Foods also is worried about rising fuel costs, with Chief Executive Donnie Smith warning the recent jump in gas prices could dent demand for beef by reducing disposable income of consumers. Beef prices have reached record levels due to a historic drought that reduced cattle herds in the southern Plains and high prices for corn that is fed to livestock. 'You're not moving as much volume of meat but you're paying more for it,' Smith told reporters at the conference. A drop in demand for meat could hurt livestock producers even as increased grain production would cut their feed costs. Farmers are expected to go all out to get their seeds in the ground this spring, especially with the mild winter that is now coming to a close. The USDA estimates they will plant 94 million acres (38 million hectares) of corn, about 2 million acres more than last year and the largest area since 1944. Still, Jon Caspers, a producer of about 8,000 hogs a year in Iowa, is not breathing a sigh of relief due to high gasoline prices and lingering uncertainty about demand. He's also unsure farmers will plant as much corn as expected. Last year, heavy spring rains dashed their plans to plant from fence post to fence post. 'A lot of producers are waiting to see if it really happens,' he said. (Additional reporting by Charles Abbott; Writing by Russ Blinch; Editing by Marguerita Choy)
Forex Greece, creditors laboriously piece together debt deal
Forex Greece, creditors laboriously piece together debt deal ReutersReuters – 1 hour 26 minutes ago Companies: Thomson Reuters Corporation RELATED QUOTES Symbol Price Change TRI 27.82 -0.10 By Renee Maltezou and Lefteris Papadimas ATHENS (Reuters) - Greece and its private creditors head back to the negotiating table on Saturday to put together the final pieces of a long-awaited debt swap agreement needed to avert an unruly default. After weeks of muddling through round after round of inconclusive talks, the negotiations appear to be in their final phase, with both sides hoping to secure a preliminary deal before Monday's European Union summit. Prime Minister Lucas Papademos was expected to meet bankers' chief negotiator Charles Dallara at around 1330 GMT (8:30 a.m. EST) on Saturday, before meeting inspectors from the 'troika' of foreign lenders pressing Athens to step up painful reforms. 'Today will be another tough day,' said George Karatzaferis, leader of the far-right LAOS party, one of three parties in Papademos's emergency coalition government. 'We will see whether we can bear the burden that lies ahead.' The debt swap, in which private creditors are to take a 50 percent cut in the nominal value of their Greek bond holdings in exchange for cash and new bonds, is a prerequisite for the country to secure a 130-billion-euro rescue package. Papademos told Reuters in an interview on Friday he expected the debt talks to be concluded within days. 'We made significant progress over the last few weeks and in the last few days in particular. We are trying to conclude the discussions as quickly as possible. I am quite optimistic an agreement will be reached in the coming days,' he said. But concern has grown that the deal may not do enough to get the country's debt reduction plan back on track, and that Greece's European partners will be forced to stump up funds to cover the shortfall. The German news magazine Der Spiegel reported on Saturday that Greece's international lenders thought Athens would need 145 billion euros of public money from the euro zone for its second bailout rather than the planned 130 billion euros. The magazine said the extra money was needed because of the deteriorating economic situation in Greece, echoing a Reuters report on Thursday. Athens also faces problematic talks with the 'troika' of foreign lenders - the European Commission, IMF and European Central Bank - who have warned it needs to do more to drive through painful reforms before they dole out any more money. 'It's all very dense, difficult and crucial,' a Greek finance ministry official said. 'There is optimism because the country needs to survive and we need to protect its citizens because they have suffered a lot.' Athens and its creditors have broadly agreed that new bonds under the swap would probably have a 30-year maturity and a progressive interest rate. The deal is aimed at chopping 100 billion euros off Greece's crushing 350-billion-euro debt load. But they have wrangled for weeks over the interest rate Greece must pay on the new bonds and pressure has grown in recent days on the European Central Bank and other public creditors to accept a cut in the value of their Greek bond holdings like the private sector creditors. A debt deal must be sealed in about three weeks as Greece has to repay 14.5 billion euros of debt on March 20. Otherwise Greece will sink into an uncontrolled default that might spread turmoil across the euro zone. Papademos promised on Friday this would not happen. 'Greece will not default,' he said. International Monetary Fund Managing Director Christine Lagarde said on Saturday that euro zone members were making progress to overcome their crisis but must do more to strengthen their financial firewall, adding that the IMF was ready to help. 'There is progress as we see it,' Lagarde told a panel discussion at the World Economic Forum in Davos. 'But it is critical that the euro zone members actually develop a clear, simple, firewall that can operate both to limit the contagion and to provide this sort of act of trust in the euro zone so that the financing needs of that zone can actually be met.' Senior euro zone officials have expressed optimism on the Greek debt deal, though previous predictions of an imminent agreement have failed to become reality. Greece is in its fifth year of recession, and hopes of an end to the crisis in the near term have virtually gone, because of the combination of squabbling politicians, rising social anger and its inability to get its debt load under control. Germany is pushing for Greece to relinquish control over its budget policy to European institutions as part of discussions over a second rescue package, a European source told Reuters on Friday. Greece said such a move was out of the question, adding that a similar proposal had been made in the past by a Dutch minister without getting anywhere. 'There is no way we would accept such a thing,' a Greek government official told Reuters. (Additional reporting by Renee Maltezou, Writing by Deepa Babington; editing by Tim Pearce)
lunes, 10 de septiembre de 2012
Earn Obama Said to Reprise Deficit, Tax Proposals for 2013 Budget
Earn Obama Said to Reprise Deficit, Tax Proposals for 2013 Budget President Barack Obama will reprise previously rejected deficit-reduction plans and tax increases on the wealthy while proposing new incentives for companies to return jobs to the U.S., as part of his fiscal 2013 budget, administration officials said. The election-year spending plan, due to be presented to Congress Feb. 6, is intended to demonstrate the administration's intent to chip away at the nation's long-term deficits. The nation is at a turning point, Obama told business leaders yesterday at a White House event, where he promised to seek tax breaks for companies that make new investments in the U.S. or bring jobs back from overseas. He didn't give details. 'After shedding jobs for more than a decade, American manufacturers have now added jobs for two years in a row,' Obama said. 'But when a lot of folks are still looking for work, now is the time for us to step on the gas.' Economic growth and job creation are expected to be the main issues in the presidential campaign this year. Mitt Romney, a former Massachusetts governor and the front-runner for the Republican nomination, is making criticism of Obama's stewardship of the economy a prime focus of his stump speeches. The unemployment rate has declined for four straight months to 8.5 percent in December, and the Labor Department has reported six consecutive months of job gains of 100,000 or more. Still, the rate has been above 8 percent for almost two years, and little headway has been made in recovering the 8.75 million jobs lost as a result of the recession that ended in June 2009. Election Issue Only one U.S. president, Ronald Reagan, has been re-elected since World War II with a jobless rate above 6 percent. Reagan won a second term with the rate on Election Day 1984 at 7.2 percent, having dropped almost three percentage points in the previous 18 months. Obama also is seeking to make headway on the deficit, which hit $1.3 trillion in fiscal 2011, the third highest as a percentage of gross domestic product since 1945. The president will offer a plan for deficit reduction along the lines of the $4 trillion proposal that he outlined last September. Two administration officials confirmed the plan on condition of anonymity because they weren't authorized to discuss it before it's announced. The previous plan called for $1.5 trillion in tax increases over the next decade, including the expiration of Bush-era tax cuts for families earning $250,000 or more a year. It also would make changes in mandatory spending programs, cutting Medicare and Medicaid and farm subsidies, selling government assets and reducing federal worker benefits. Republican Reaction A spokesman for House Speaker John Boehner said Congress would reject the deficit plan, just as it did last September. 'The president isn't serious if all he's offering are the same job-killing tax hikes that even Democrats in the Senate have already rejected,' Brendan Buck, the spokesman for the Republican leader, said in an e-mailed statement. 'Our debt is threatening the economy as well important programs many seniors rely on. We cannot afford another punt by the president.' Obama's last budget said the deficit in the current fiscal year would be $1.1 trillion, or 7 percent of GDP. By 2015 it would decline to $607 billion, or 3.2 percent of GDP, according to the administration's forecast. Because a 12-member so-called supercommittee of lawmakers failed to agree on a deficit-reduction plan in November, the agreement between the White House and Congress requires more than $1 trillion in automatic, across-the-board cuts in discretionary spending beginning in January 2013. Obama has threatened to veto any attempts to get around the spending cuts and blamed Republicans for refusing to compromise. One Budget One official dismissed speculation Obama would offer two budgets next month: a conventional version and a second one reflecting automatic cuts, known as sequestration. The Budget Control Act of last August doesn't require the Obama administration to submit a budget that includes specific details from a sequester, should it occur. Stan Collender, a budget expert and managing partner at Qorvis Communications LLC in Washington, told reporters at a Jan. 9 seminar that Congress will spend weeks after the elections trying to avoid automatic budget cuts. 'This will be the year of avoiding the sequester,' he said. Many of the tax and spending proposals in Obama's $3.7 trillion budget last year were ignored or rejected by Congress. His fiscal 2013 spending plan probably will encounter even more resistance in an election year when the presidency, every seat in the U.S. House and one-third of those in the Senate will be decided. To contact the reporter on this story: Roger Runningen in Washington at rrunningen@bloomberg.net To contact the editor responsible for this story: Mark Silva at msilva34@bloomberg.net
domingo, 9 de septiembre de 2012
Oil Obama seeks power to merge agencies
Oil WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Barack Obama on Friday took aim at his government's own messy bureaucracy, prodding Congress to give him greater power to merge agencies and promising he would start by collapsing six major economic departments into one. Pressing Republicans on one of their own political issues, Obama said it was time for an 'effective, lean government.' Obama wants the type of reorganizational authority last held by a president when Ronald Reagan was in office. Obama's version would be a so-called consolidation authority allowing him to propose only mergers that promise to save money and shrink government. The deal would help Obama considerably by entitling him to an up-or-down vote from Congress in 90 days. Still, final say would remain with lawmakers, both on whether to grant Obama this fast-track authority and then in deciding whether to approve any of his specific ideas. 'We can do this better,' Obama declared in an event with business owners at the White House, even presenting slides to help make his case. 'So much of the argument out there all the time is up at 40,000 feet, these abstract arguments about who's conservative or who's liberal,' Obama said. 'Most Americans — and certainly most small business owners — you guys are just trying to figure out how do we make things work, how do we apply common sense. And that's what this is about.' In an election year and a political atmosphere of tighter spending, Obama's move is about more than improving a giant bureaucracy. He is attempting to directly counter Republican arguments that he has presided over the kind of government regulation, spending and debt that can undermine the economy — a dominant theme of the emerging presidential campaign. Republicans have often aligned themselves with smaller government. So politically, Obama is trying to put the onus on Republicans in the House and Senate to show why they would be against the pursuit of leaner government. From Capitol Hill, a spokesman for Sen. Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the top Republican in the Senate, pledged Obama's plan would get a careful review. But the spokesman, Don Stewart, also said: 'After presiding over one of the largest expansions of government in history, and a year after raising the issue in his last State of the Union, it's interesting to see the president finally acknowledge that Washington is out of control.' Obama has an imperative to deliver. He made the promise to come up with a smart reorganization of the government in his last State of the Union speech last January. At the time, Obama grabbed attention by pointing out the absurdity of government inefficiency. In what he called his favorite example, Obama said: 'The Interior Department is in charge of salmon while they're in fresh water, but the Commerce Department handles them when they're in saltwater. And I hear it gets even more complicated once they're smoked.' The White House said the problem is serious for consumers who turn to their government for help and often do not know where to begin. Not in decades has the government undergone a sustained reorganization of itself. Presidents have tried from time to time, but each part of the bureaucracy has its own defenders inside and outside the government, which can make merger ideas politically impossible. That's particularly true because 'efficiency' is often another way of saying people will lose their jobs. Obama hopes to enhance his chances by getting Congress to give him the assurance of a clean, relatively speedy vote on any of his proposals. There is no clear sign that Obama would get that cooperation. He spent much of 2011 in utter gridlock with Republicans in Congress. In the meantime, Obama announced Friday that Karen Mills, the administrator of the Small Business Administration, would be elevated to Cabinet-level rank. But her job would essentially disappear if Obama has his way. If he gets the new fast-track power to propose legislation, Obama's first project would be to combine six major operations of the government that focus on business and trade. They are: the Commerce Department's core business and trade functions; the Small Business Administration; the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative; the Export-Import Bank; the Overseas Private Investment Corporation; and the Trade and Development Agency. The goal would be one agency designed to help businesses thrive. The White House says 1,000 to 2,000 jobs would be cut, but the administration would do so through attrition; that is, as people routinely leave their jobs over time. The administration said the merger would save $3 billion over 10 years by getting rid of duplicative overhead costs, human resources divisions and programs. The name and potential secretary of the new agency have not been determined. The point, the White House says, is not just making the government smaller but better by saving people time and eliminating bureaucratic nightmares. The idea for the consolidated business agency grew out of discussions with hundreds of business leaders and agency heads over the last several months. Brendan Buck, a spokesman for House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, said streamlining government was always a potentially good idea but expressed wariness about whether Obama's plan would really help business. 'American small businesses are more concerned about this administration's policies than from which building in Washington they originate,' Buck said. 'We hope the president isn't simply proposing new packaging for the same burdensome approach.' According to the White House, presidents held such a reorganizational authority for about 50 years until it ran out during Reagan's presidency in 1984. Obama has a series of other ideas about consolidating departments across the government, to be rolled out later.
martes, 4 de septiembre de 2012
Earn Japan sees upward pressure on yen waning
Earn Japan sees upward pressure on yen waning Foreign exchange dealers are seen beneath an electronic board displaying the Japanese Yen's exchange rate against the U.S. dollar at a foreign exchange trading company in Tokyo February 22, 2012. REUTERS/Kim Kyung-HoonEnlarge Photo Foreign exchange dealers are seen beneath an electronic board displaying the Japanese Yen's exchange rate against the U.S. dollar at a foreign exchange trading company in Tokyo February 22, 2012. REUTERS/Kim Kyung-Hoon By Tetsushi Kajimoto MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - A senior Japanese Finance Ministry official said the upward pressure on the yen was easing and he saw nothing strange in the currency's movements as it pulls away from record highs below 80 yen versus the dollar. The official, speaking after the first day of the weekend gathering of Group of 20 finance ministers and central bankers, said the yen was not discussed at the meeting which was dominated by talks on the euro-zone sovereign debt crisis. But the G20 did discuss volatility in currencies as well as crude oil prices, the official said, adding that these issues may be mentioned in the communique expected at the end of the meeting on Sunday. Brent crude futures settled near a 10-month high above $125 a barrel on Friday on heightened concerns over tensions with Iran about its nuclear program. Japanese authorities will continue to respond to excess volatility in currencies, he added, signaling readiness to intervene if speculators push up the yen too high again to deal a blow to the export-reliant economy. 'We hear opinions overall, including at deputies' meeting, that volatility exists in the foreign exchange market, so I expect (G20) may mention that volatility warants close monitoring,' the official said. 'We have said that (the yen's) moves have been excessive including before and after (last year's) earthquake, which was not reflecting economic fundamentals. But I see nothing strange in the current movement,' he added. The yen, meanwhile, tumbled across the board, a downtrend that started with the Bank of Japan's recent monetary easing. Japan's trade deficit, widening interest rate differentials with the United States favoring the dollar and rising crude oil prices also have hurt the yen's prospects. The dollar hit a fresh 7-1/2-month high of 81.062 yen on trading platform EBS and was last 80.990, away from 75.31 yen hit last October when Japan intervened heavily to protect exporters and drew criticism from the United States. The Bank of Japan, along with the European Central Bank and the U.S. Federal Reserve, is taking unconventional steps to boost the economy. The BOJ boosted asset purchases by 10 trillion yen on February 14 and pledged to keep ultra-easy policy until a 1 percent inflation goal is in sight. Bank of Japan Governor Masaaki Shirakawa said on Saturday that policymakers were also closely watching the effects of monetary easing on crude prices. But he said he did not see monetary easing as a big factor and the recent spike was more due to geopolitical tensions and some bright spots in advanced economies after the New Year. 'Generally speaking, we'll closely watch effects and side-effects of monetary easing,' he said. (Additional writing by Krista Hughes; Editing by Ed Lane)
domingo, 2 de septiembre de 2012
Earn Obama Said to Reprise Deficit, Tax Proposals for 2013 Budget
Earn Obama Said to Reprise Deficit, Tax Proposals for 2013 Budget President Barack Obama will reprise previously rejected deficit-reduction plans and tax increases on the wealthy while proposing new incentives for companies to return jobs to the U.S., as part of his fiscal 2013 budget, administration officials said. The election-year spending plan, due to be presented to Congress Feb. 6, is intended to demonstrate the administration's intent to chip away at the nation's long-term deficits. The nation is at a turning point, Obama told business leaders yesterday at a White House event, where he promised to seek tax breaks for companies that make new investments in the U.S. or bring jobs back from overseas. He didn't give details. 'After shedding jobs for more than a decade, American manufacturers have now added jobs for two years in a row,' Obama said. 'But when a lot of folks are still looking for work, now is the time for us to step on the gas.' Economic growth and job creation are expected to be the main issues in the presidential campaign this year. Mitt Romney, a former Massachusetts governor and the front-runner for the Republican nomination, is making criticism of Obama's stewardship of the economy a prime focus of his stump speeches. The unemployment rate has declined for four straight months to 8.5 percent in December, and the Labor Department has reported six consecutive months of job gains of 100,000 or more. Still, the rate has been above 8 percent for almost two years, and little headway has been made in recovering the 8.75 million jobs lost as a result of the recession that ended in June 2009. Election Issue Only one U.S. president, Ronald Reagan, has been re-elected since World War II with a jobless rate above 6 percent. Reagan won a second term with the rate on Election Day 1984 at 7.2 percent, having dropped almost three percentage points in the previous 18 months. Obama also is seeking to make headway on the deficit, which hit $1.3 trillion in fiscal 2011, the third highest as a percentage of gross domestic product since 1945. The president will offer a plan for deficit reduction along the lines of the $4 trillion proposal that he outlined last September. Two administration officials confirmed the plan on condition of anonymity because they weren't authorized to discuss it before it's announced. The previous plan called for $1.5 trillion in tax increases over the next decade, including the expiration of Bush-era tax cuts for families earning $250,000 or more a year. It also would make changes in mandatory spending programs, cutting Medicare and Medicaid and farm subsidies, selling government assets and reducing federal worker benefits. Republican Reaction A spokesman for House Speaker John Boehner said Congress would reject the deficit plan, just as it did last September. 'The president isn't serious if all he's offering are the same job-killing tax hikes that even Democrats in the Senate have already rejected,' Brendan Buck, the spokesman for the Republican leader, said in an e-mailed statement. 'Our debt is threatening the economy as well important programs many seniors rely on. We cannot afford another punt by the president.' Obama's last budget said the deficit in the current fiscal year would be $1.1 trillion, or 7 percent of GDP. By 2015 it would decline to $607 billion, or 3.2 percent of GDP, according to the administration's forecast. Because a 12-member so-called supercommittee of lawmakers failed to agree on a deficit-reduction plan in November, the agreement between the White House and Congress requires more than $1 trillion in automatic, across-the-board cuts in discretionary spending beginning in January 2013. Obama has threatened to veto any attempts to get around the spending cuts and blamed Republicans for refusing to compromise. One Budget One official dismissed speculation Obama would offer two budgets next month: a conventional version and a second one reflecting automatic cuts, known as sequestration. The Budget Control Act of last August doesn't require the Obama administration to submit a budget that includes specific details from a sequester, should it occur. Stan Collender, a budget expert and managing partner at Qorvis Communications LLC in Washington, told reporters at a Jan. 9 seminar that Congress will spend weeks after the elections trying to avoid automatic budget cuts. 'This will be the year of avoiding the sequester,' he said. Many of the tax and spending proposals in Obama's $3.7 trillion budget last year were ignored or rejected by Congress. His fiscal 2013 spending plan probably will encounter even more resistance in an election year when the presidency, every seat in the U.S. House and one-third of those in the Senate will be decided. To contact the reporter on this story: Roger Runningen in Washington at rrunningen@bloomberg.net To contact the editor responsible for this story: Mark Silva at msilva34@bloomberg.net
viernes, 31 de agosto de 2012
Earn Gold & Copper Trends Are Still Higher: Holmes
Earn If you told me yesterday that the largest bank in the U.S. was going to report lackluster earnings results, and Standard & Poor's was going to take its credit rating clever to Europe, but the markets would largely shrug it off - I probably would have politely told said 'you're crazy!' Welcome to reality; it all happened today. And the little market that could clearly thinks it can still test higher levels and isn't going to let some silly headlines derail it. While JP Morgan (JPM), the big banks (^BKX), and the Euro are getting whacked today, it doesn't change the strategy of money managers like Frank Holmes, the CEO & CIO of US Global Investors, who says the crisis du jour has no bearing on the long term opportunities. 'I am a big believer that you buy gold on down days,' this transplanted Torontonian tells us from his new home in Texas. He believes this year could be 'one of those odd years' that the dollar and commodity prices rise together. And much as Holmes likes gold, he loves the gold miners (GDX) even more, largely because they got sold off alongside other stocks last year while the precious metal they produce rose 10%. 'I think the really big opportunity right now is gold stocks,' he says pointing to their relative price compared to spot gold, as well as their historically low price-to-book ratios, and in some cases dividend yields too. Among the names he likes and owns now are Yamana (AUY), RandGold Resources (GOLD), and lesser-known Franco Nevada (FNV) --which Holmes says pays a monthly dividend. As for the metal itself, Holmes is unmoved by the most recent developments and has had no change in his belief that 'anytime you have inflation running at 3% and you're getting 0.1% in a money market fund, it's always better to own gold.' He is similarly undaunted and unchanged in his conviction about copper and belief that China will successfully engineer a soft landing. He's staying long copper because of the country's plans to build 24,000 miles of high speed rail, and he likes the recent uptick in the JP Morgan Global Purchasing Managers Index, which signaled expansion for the first time in almost a year. 'I think copper will go higher,' he states. 'Just like oil can easily have supply restricted, you have seen copper restricted.' Related Quotes: JPM 35.92 -0.93 -2.52% ^BKX 43.44 -0.17 -0.39% XLF 13.81 -0.11 -0.75% EURUSD=X 1.268 -0.0029 -0.23% FXE 126.33 -1.43 -1.12% ^STOXX50E 2,338.01 -7.84 -0.33% FEZ 29.06 -0.57 -1.92% GCF12.CMX 1,632.40 -14.90 (-0.90%) GLD 159.26 -1.12 -0.70% IAU 15.97 -0.11 -0.68% GDX 54.05 -0.67 -1.22% AUY 15.68 -0.12 -0.76% GOLD 108.83 -2.03 -1.83% FNV 39.90 -0.40 -0.99% FXI 36.74 -0.10 -0.27% HGF12.CMX 3.597 -0.05 (-1.29%) COPX 13.91 -0.12 -0.86% CU 31.45 -0.33 -1.04%
miércoles, 29 de agosto de 2012
Earn BlackRock to Buy ETF firm Claymore
Earn BlackRock to Buy ETF firm Claymore RELATED QUOTES Symbol Price Change FII 17.45 +0.08 BLK 184.09 +0.22 BlackRock Inc. (NYSE:BLK - News) has agreed to buy Claymore Canada from Guggenheim Partners LLC. The announcement came out yesterday and it was said that both parties have entered into a definitive agreement in this context. With this deal, BlackRock would be able to expand its exchange-traded fund (AMEX:ETF - News) business in Canada. Claymore is based in Toronto and acts as an independent Canadian subsidiary of Guggenheim Funds Services Group, a subsidiary of Guggenheim Partners, LLC. BlackRock, the leading asset manager in the world, currently manages $3.3 trillion in assets worldwide. The deal will result in addition of 34 ETFs and two closed-end funds, representing C$7.0 billion in asset under management. As of December 31, 2011, BlackRock offered 48 ETFs in Canada under the iShares brand, representing C$29.0 billion in assets under management. The deal, which is subject to regulatory approvals and customary closing conditions, is likely to be accomplished by the end of the first quarter of 2012. The deal, whose terms are still undisclosed, is expected to be neutral-to-modestly accretive to BlackRock's 2012 earnings. We believe that the acquisition of Claymore will provide BlackRock with competitive edge to grab market share in the Canadian ETF market and hence, is a strategic fit for the company. BlackRock currently retains a Zacks #3 Rank, which translates into a short-term 'Hold' rating. Among its peers Federated Investors Inc. (NYSE:FII - News) also shares the same Zacks rank. Zacks Investment Research
martes, 28 de agosto de 2012
Oil Bloomberg exec in talks to run New Corp's Dow Jones
Oil Bloomberg exec in talks to run New Corp's Dow Jones RELATED QUOTES Symbol Price Change NWSA 18.88 +0.06 TRI.TO 27.80 -0.14 APKN.PK 0.012 0.00 TRI 27.82 -0.10 (Reuters) - Rupert Murdoch's News Corp is in 'serious talks' to poach veteran Bloomberg LP executive Lex Fenwick to run its Dow Jones publishing business, which houses the Wall Street Journal, according to two people familiar with the discussions. Fenwick, who founded Bloomberg Ventures in 2008, was previously chief executive of Bloomberg LP, taking over from the company founder Michael Bloomberg in December 2001. Wall Street Journal reported news of the talks earlier on Friday. The top job at Dow Jones has been vacant since last July when then-Publisher and Chief Executive Les Hinton resigned in the wake of the phone-hacking scandal at News Corp's UK newspaper unit, which had previously run. Hinton told a UK parliamentary inquiry in 2009 that any problem with phone hacking at the company's papers was limited to one case. It was later revealed that thousands of ordinary people and celebrities had been the victims of the voice mail hacking. Hinton, who worked with News Corp for 52 years, was perhaps Murdoch's closest associate. Bloomberg and Dow Jones compete with Thomson Reuters. (Reporting By Yinka Adegoke; Editing by Steve Orlofsky)
jueves, 23 de agosto de 2012
Signals How the Election and Economy Will Impact Your Portfolio
Signals There's plenty of data to help handicap the market during Presidential election years and it happens to be siding on the investor's team when it comes to an incumbent up for re-election. Jeffrey Hirsch, the editor-in-chief of the Stock Trader's Almanac crunched those numbers and says since the beginning of the Dow in 1896, an incumbent president has run for re-election 19 times; 14 of those were up years for the DJIA. 'Just the fact that there's somebody in office running again is a good sign for the year — 9% on average — what happens is early on if it's a real popular president doing well the market stays up,' Hirsch says. 'If you've got someone really unpopular come election time and they get ousted, there's a rally in November/December, sort of a 'ding dong the witch is dead' type of rally.' As for those five times when the trend didn't hold, only two were particularly bad years: 1932 which saw the removal of Herbert Hoover and 1940 when World War II was already raging in Europe. It's not just the election that offers insight into the next eleven and a half months. Hirsch notes that the end of the 'deflation fear period' should be a good sign in the short-term, but further down the road it 'puts a cap on things.' He cites a housing market that picked up and then flat-lined, consumer confidence that has come up (but not enough), and improving unemployment numbers as a sign that the economy is on the mend. He says it is 'good enough to keep us from having a really bad year' but not good enough to see a breakout to new highs. Specifically Hirsch is looking at 5-10% growth year-over-year, with a Dow target somewhere between 13,000 and 13,500. Still, he cautions the economy, the election, Europe and any number of other international factors could lead to amended forecasts in either direction. Then there's the market volatility — the same that plagued investors throughout 2011. Hirsch says it's here to stay again in 2012. 'Come spring you start looking for a technical trigger,' says Hirsch. 'Get a little bit more on the sidelines, take some profits, cover yourself...and then get back in for the year-end rally...Trade the seasons, trade the range and you should do okay.' How are you playing the election year, the economy and the volatility? Tell us on our Facebook page or in the comments below. Related Quotes: ^DJI 12,428.26 -21.19 -0.17% ^IXIC 2,715.99 +5.23 +0.19% ^GSPC 1,291.70 -0.78 -0.06%
lunes, 20 de agosto de 2012
Oil Netflix shares rise on investor optimism
Oil NEW YORK (AP) -- Shares of Netflix Inc. rose Friday on expectations that its shares will get a boost from the upcoming release of its fourth-quarter results. THE SPARK: Netflix shares have risen more than 40 percent in just the past week, prompting investors to wonder just how high they can go. But B. Riley & Co. backed its 'Buy' rating for Los Gatos, Calif.-based Netflix, saying that investors should hold on to their shares until after the company's fourth-quarter conference call on Jan. 25, when it's expected to update its outlook for the year. THE BIG PICTURE: Netflix shares took a beating and subscribers fled after the company said in July that it would increase U.S. prices by as much as 60 percent. Things only got worse two months later when Netflix said it would spin off its DVD-by-mail rental service into a separate website called Qwikster. It scrapped that idea in October. Since peaking in mid-July, Netflix shares have lost about 70 percent of their value. THE ANALYSIS: Analysts for B. Riley noted that Netflix shares are rapidly approaching the firm's $100 price target and said the company will probably post quarterly losses through at least the first half of the year. But they also said that Netflix's customer base appears to be stabilizing, which should reassure investors that the company is holding its own against the competition. 'We continue to believe that Netflix offers consumers the greatest content variety versus price relationship of the various choices,' the analysts wrote in a note to investors. 'And with the surprisingly positive announcement early last week that Netflix streamed more than 2 billion hours of movie and TV show content in the fourth quarter, we believe this is more likely to be the case than not.' In addition, the company should eventually get a boost from the expansion of its steaming services into new international markets. THE SHARES: Up $2.32, or 2.5 percent, to $94.47 in afternoon trading.
sábado, 18 de agosto de 2012
Forex U.S. did not call for strategic oil release: G20 sources
Forex U.S. did not call for strategic oil release: G20 sources U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner (C) and Chairman of Grupo Financiero Banorte Guillermo Ortiz (L) arrive to a meeting of Group of Twenty (G20) leading economies' finance ministers and central bankers in Mexico City February 25, 2012. REUTERS/Tomas Bravo MEXICO CITY, Reuters (Feb 25) - The United States did not openly call for a release of countries' strategic oil reserves during Group of 20 meetings this weekend, Group of 20 sources said on Saturday. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said on Friday the United States is considering a release from its strategic oil reserves as rising tensions between Iran and the West over its disputed nuclear program fueled a rise in oil prices. At meeting of G20 economies on Saturday, two people familiar with the discussion said finance officials had discussed the risk to the world economy from oil prices, which rose above $125 a barrel on Friday, but the United States did not push for a release of strategic reserves. Countries hold oil reserves as a buffer against sudden drops in supply. A draft communique for the G20 meeting, which is still under discussion, said high oil prices were a risk to the global economy, the sources said, although the outlook was cautiously optimistic. 'The communique says that there are some positive signs in the global economy, coming especially from the U.S. economy, but they are tentative,' one G20 official said. (Reporting by Francesca Landini and Dave Graham; Writing by Krista Hughes)
jueves, 16 de agosto de 2012
Signals Exxon to sell part of Tonen stake for about $3.9 billion:sources
Signals Exxon to sell part of Tonen stake for about $3.9 billion:sources RELATED QUOTES Symbol Price Change TRI 27.82 -0.10 XOM 85.83 -0.94 By Taro Fuse and Emi Emoto TOKYO (Reuters) - Exxon Mobil (NYSE:XOM - News) plans to sell a large part of its 50 percent stake in TonenGeneral Sekiyu KK (:5012.T) back to its Japanese refining partner in a deal that could be worth about 300 billion yen ($3.9 billion), and will make an announcement as early as Monday, four sources with direct knowledge of the matter said. Exxon Mobil will retain about a 20 percent stake in TonenGeneral but the deal will mark a de facto retreat from the world's third-largest economy by the U.S. oil giant, which is focusing its resources on emerging markets and development of natural resources. The move could also spark realignment among Japan's oil refiners, which have been cutting capacity to cope with falling demand caused by a weak economy and a shift to more efficient and environmentally friendly forms of energy, analysts have said. Reuters reported earlier this month that Exxon was in talks to sell part of the stake back to TonenGeneral. TonenGeneral, which imports and distributes Exxon oil in Japan, ranks as the country's No. 2 refiner behind JX Holdings (:5020.T). Smaller rivals include Idemitsu Kosan Co (:5019.T), Cosmo Oil (:5007.T) and Showa Shell (:5002.T). Exxon and TonenGeneral aim to complete the deal around summer, the sources told Reuters on condition of anonymity. TonenGeneral will seek funds from Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corp, Sumitomo Trust Banking, Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ and Mitsubishi Trust Bank to buy back the stake, the sources said. ($1 = 76.7350 Japanese yen) (Reporting by Taro Fuse and Emoto Emi; Writing by Kaori Kaneko; Editing by Chris Gallagher and Ed Lane)
domingo, 12 de agosto de 2012
Oil China to reform, grow economy, IMF eyes freer yuan
Oil Chinese Vice-Premier Li Keqiang gestures as he talks to European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso and European Council President Herman Van Rompuy at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing February 15, 2012. REUTERS/How Hwee Young/PoolView Photo Chinese Vice-Premier Li Keqiang gestures as he talks to European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso and European Council President Herman Van Rompuy at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing February 15, 2012. REUTERS/How Hwee Young/Pool By Kevin Yao and Koh Gui Qing BEIJING (Reuters) - China cannot delay tough economic reforms, Vice Premier Li Keqiang said on Sunday, underscoring the top leadership's push for market-based change after the sacking last week of an ambitious provincial leader who wanted a bigger state role in the economy. Li, widely expected to succeed Wen Jiabao as premier in a leadership transition that begins later this year, promised flexible policies to keep growth brisk and prices stable, with a focus on boosting domestic demand and pursuing structural reforms to make growth more stable and balanced. 'China has reached a crucial period in changing its economic model and (change) cannot be delayed. Reforms have entered a tough stage,' Li said, echoing comments made by Wen last week. 'We will make policies more targeted, flexible and forward-looking to maintain relatively fast economic growth and keep price levels basically stable,' Li said in a speech at an economic policy conference, attended by top Chinese officials, the head of the IMF and dozens of foreign business leaders. He said China would 'deepen reforms on taxes, the financial sector, prices, income distribution and seek breakthroughs in key areas to let market forces play a bigger role in resource allocation'. Li's renewed emphasis on reform-led growth comes after Wen said slower growth and bolder political reform must be embraced to keep the world's second largest economy from faltering and to spread wealth more evenly, promising to use his last year in power to attack discontent that he warned could end in chaos. Wen told a news conference at the end of the National People's Congress (NPC) that growth would be made more resilient to external pressures, domestic property and inflation risks deflated and 10.7 trillion yuan ($1.7 trillion) in debt racked up by local governments dealt with, while also promoting political change. He cut China's official 2012 growth target to 7.5 percent, down from the 8 percent targeted in each of the last eight years, aiming to create leeway to deliver reform of items including subsidies, without igniting inflation. China's annual rate of inflation cooled to 3.2 percent in February, below the government's 4 percent target for the first time in more than a year. But policymakers remain particularly sensitive to elevated commodity prices, given China's huge imports of raw materials. PRO-GROWTH POLICIES CRUCIAL Zhang Ping, head of the country's top planning agency, the National Development and Reform Commission, told the Sunday conference that economic policies maintaining relatively fast growth were key to the country's future. 'First of all, we need to maintain steady and relatively fast economic growth -- development is the key for resolving all problems in China,' Zhang said. The government would maintain prudent monetary and pro-active fiscal policies, and stand ready to fine-tune settings -- a consistent refrain from China's leaders since the autumn of 2011. The show of unity over pro-market reform took on new significance last week when China's central leadership moved to bolster control over the southwest city-province of Chongqing after ousting its contentious but popular chief, Bo Xilai. The calls for unity with the ruling Communist Party's top leaders were emblazoned on the front pages of Chongqing newspapers on Saturday. They made no mention of Bo, removed from power after a scandal when his Vice Mayor Wang Lijun took refuge in February in a U.S. consulate until he was coaxed out. After arriving in Chongqing in 2007, Bo, 62 and a former commerce minister, turned it into a bastion of Communist revolutionary-inspired 'red' culture and egalitarian growth, winning national attention with a crackdown on organized crime. His self-promotion and revival of Mao Zedong-inspired propaganda irked moderate officials. But his populist ways and crime clean-up were welcomed by many residents and others who hoped Bo could try his policies nationwide. Li said that while the overall trend of China's economy was stable with sound fundamentals, it faced structural obstacles that must be overcome, adding that Beijing would push forward structural reforms while encouraging technological innovations to generate new sources of economic growth. CURRENCY REFORM CARROT International Monetary Fund managing director, Christine Lagarde, dangled an additional reform carrot at the same economic forum on Sunday, saying that the yuan could become a global reserve currency with the right mix of market-oriented structural change. 'What is needed is a roadmap with a stronger and more flexible exchange rate, more effective liquidity and monetary management, with higher quality supervision and regulation, with a more well-developed financial market, with flexible deposit and lending rates, and finally with the opening up of the capital account,' Lagarde said. 'If all that happens, there is no reason why the renminbi (yuan) will not reach the status of a reserve currency occupying a position on par with China's economic status.' China, the world's biggest exporting nation and the second-largest importer, has long wanted to break the dollar's dominance as the principal global unit of cross-border trade, in part to battle internal inflation risks and also to enhance Beijing's influence on the international financial system. China's has a closed capital account system and its currency is tightly controlled. Although Beijing has increased the use of the yuan to settle cross border trade, undertaking a series of reforms in recent years to that end, yuan settlement was only about $300 billion in 2011, which Chinese exports were worth about $1.9 trillion. Li said he expected China's total trade to maintain double-digit growth this year. The government has an official target of 10 percent growth in both imports and exports for 2012. Exports are a key source of demand and jobs for China's vast factory sector and have been a principal driver of wealth creation for much of the last decade in the wake of the country's accession to the World Trade Organization. China's trade balance plunged $31.5 billion into the red in February as imports swamped exports to leave the largest deficit in at least a decade and fuel doubts about the extent to which frail foreign demand drove the drop. Li said that there were some encouraging signs emerging about the pace of global economic recovery, and forecast that China's total trade would top $10 trillion in the five years 2011-2015, but added that the outlook was not certain, with efforts to resolve Europe's debt crisis still evolving. Economists expect China's annual economic growth to slow to close to 8 percent in the first three months of 2012, down from 8.9 percent in the last quarter of 2011. That would be the fifth successive quarter of slower growth and leave China on track to end the year with its weakest expansion in a decade. A raft of economic indicators in the last two weeks have signaled that China's economy is on a gentle glide lower and on course to avoid a so-called hard landing. (Writing by Nick Edwards; Editing by Don Durfee and Jonathan Thatcher)
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